Read and comment on the following quotation: «The fate of empires depends on the education of youth». Aristotle

1. Read the actions people typically do during education and name these people.

takes notes in class – ...
sets homework – ...
hands in homework – ...
gives lectures – ...
gets a degree – ...
revises for exams – ...
marks tests, exams, homework – ...
organizes a staff meeting – ...

2. Match the words from the list to the verbs below.

a gap year / a degree / a mistake / from university / school / a good university / a break / research / progress / grades (good/bad) / a course / a subject

1) get/(into) _________
2) graduate __________
3) leave _________
4) make _________
5) take _________
6) do ___________

3. Complete the phrasal verbs about education and studying with the missing letters.

1) get b_ – survive
2) put o_ _ – delay doing
3) catch _ _ with – improve and reach the standard
4) fall be_ _ _ _ – make less progress
5) drop _ _t – leave school or university before itfinishes
6) hand _ _ – give your work to the teacher
7) get _ _ with – continue doing
8) get thr_ _ _ _– succeed
9) work o_ _ – plan a good way

4. Match the two parts of collocations. Make up sentences, explaining their meaning.

1) graduate
2) join
3) enrol
4) major
5) take
6) hold
7) apply
8) be absent
a) a gap year
b) extracurricular activities
c) in distance learning
d) in (a subject)
e) a university degree
f) for a student loan
g) with honours
h) from class

5. Work in pairs. Think for one minute and make a list of 3 advantages and 3 disadvantages of being an exchange student. Share the ideas with your partner. Add to your list the ideas you agree with.

The advantages of being an exchange student

The disadvantages of being an exchange student

6. Look through the list of some more ideas to the question and tick those you haven’t mentioned yet. In turns name the statements, which mention positive aspects of becoming an exchange student, and then negative ones. Support your answers each.

__ Making new friends
__ Exploring and understanding new cultures
__ Experiencing culture shock
__ Eliminating fear and prejudice among nations
__ Getting career advantage
__ Having a communication barrier
__ Developing as a person
__ Improving your language skills
__ Having new educational experience
__ Feeling homesick
__ Gaining self-confidence
__ Speaking a foreign language all day long
__ Living independently
__ Creating a long-lasting relationship with a host family

7. Would you leave your home to study in another country? Would you like to go abroad for studying? Listen to other students and fill in the table accordingly.

Speaker 1

Speaker 2

Speaker 3

Speaker 4

8. Listen to the recording again and fill in the missing phrases.

1) One of the other hardest things was _______ the culture.

2) I would recommend _______ to anyone and if you are learning a language or going to learn a language.

 3) I became more independent, confident, and _______ of my comfort zone.

4) I also loved _______ – students and instantly _______ over our shared experiences.

5) I was confident, I knew what I was responsible for, and I learned how _______.

6) I was lucky enough _______ – and cities and met other exchange students from all over the world.

7) People keep _______ was the highlight of my trip, and I honestly don’t know. I have so many great memories _______, like _______ the first time, millions of funny conversations that resemble games of charades, _______ my friends or the day I got 18 _______ 20 on my math test!

9. Have you ever searched for international education programmes? What programmes do you know? Which are you interested in? Read the article about international education programmes and match them to their descriptions. Have you ever heard about any of them?


b) Work and Travel

c) Erasmus+

1) It is a new European Union (EU) programme, which started in January 2014 to support education, training, youth, and sport in Europe. Its budget of €14.7 billion for 2014-2020 will provide opportunities for over 4 million Europeans to study, train, gain experience, and volunteer abroad. It has opportunities for people of all ages, helping them develop and share knowledge and experience at institutions and organisations in different countries. It’s not just about Europe or Europeans either – with this programme, people from all over the world can access opportunities.

2) It was established in 1992 and is funded through the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. The program provides scholarships for high school students from Europe and Eurasia to spend an academic year in the United States, living with a family and attending an American high school. The primary goal of the program is to improve mutual understanding between the countries and give young foreign citizens the opportunity to observe and experience the American system of civil society. For now over 22000 young people from Eurasia have taken part and returned to their countries inspired with the enthusiasm and desire to help, share new knowledge and improve their home communities.

3) It is a cultural exchange program of USA’s Department of State, through which students have the possibility to work legally in America during university summer holiday period. It brings more than 100,000 foreign university students to the US each year. All of the students are between the ages of 18 and 28, proficient in the English language, and able to commit to working for at least three months. The maximum length of stay is determined by the US State Department and is based in part on typical university schedules in each nation. This program provides foreign students with an opportunity to live and work in the United States during their summer vacation from college or university to experience and to be exposed to the people and way of life in the United States. This program means challenge, because it moves you in a completely new environment and you have the opportunity to live and work alongside Americans. This is how you experiment the differences and similarities between your culture and your colleague’s. It is a real American experience, which, at the same time, helps you to cover your expenses.

10. Find the synonyms for the following words from the article above.

feel or know / common / skilled / entry / payment / grant / timetable / financed / discover

11. Read the following sentences and say if they are true (T), false (F), or not given.

1) Work & Travel is a cultural student exchange program that allows students from all over the world to stay in America during the summer months.

2) Erasmus+ provides foreign students with a possibility to live and work in the United States.

3) Your participation in the Work & Travel USA program must be arranged through a sponsoring organization, appointed by the respective US Department.

4) Every FLEX exchange student lives with a volunteer host family for one academic year to learn about American values and teach Americans about their home countries.

5) Students going on exchange under the ERASMUS+ programme pay the tuition fees at their home university.

6) Work & Travel allows students to travel and get to know the world at minimum cost.

7) FLEX has opportunities for students to develop and share knowledge and experience at institutions in different countries.

8) Erasmus+ programme is a funding scheme to support activities in the fields of education, training, youth and sport.

9) Now, in its twenty-third year, the FLEX academic year program has provided scholarships to over 23,000 secondary school students.

FUTURE SIMPLE (will/shall+V)

next week/month, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, soon, in a year…

We use the future simple to predict the future. It is the basic way we talk about the future in English, and we often use it if there is no reason to use another future tense. We can use it for future facts and for things that are less certain.

E.g.: The sun will rise at 7am.

I think the Conservatives will win the next election.

FUTURE COUNTINUOUS (will/shall+be+V+ing)

this time next month, this time tomorrow, at 5 p.m. tomorrow, at this moment next week; when, tonight…

We use the future continuous to tell about:

– an action that will be going on when another future action happens. (Another future action is expressed by the simple present, because the future tense forms are not allowed in subordinate clauses of time.)

E.g.: He will probably be sleeping when you return.

 – the action will be going on at a specific point of time in the future.

E.g.: She will be working in London at this time next year.

FUTURE PERFECT (will/shall+have+V3)

by tomorrow/next week/the end of this year, 2025, until, before, when (in the meaning “by the time”)

We use the future perfect to tell about an action that will happen before another future action or before a specific point of time in the future. NOTE! (Another future action is expressed by the simple present, because the future tense forms are not allowed in subordinate clauses of time.)

E.g.: Before she returns, I will have finished my work on the report. By 2050, scientists will have found the cure for cancer.

FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS (will/shall+have+been+V+ing)

all + …, for + …, by + …, before, when

We use the future perfect continuous to tell about an action that will last for some time before another future action happens. This action will last for some time before a specific point of time in the future.

 E.g.: He will have been studying English for five years by the time of his final examinations.

12. Complete the sentences choosing the correct future tense form for the verbs in brackets.

1) Don’t call me between 6 and 8 p.m. I ______ (study) at this time tonight.

2) If I pass these examinations, I ______ (enter) Stanford University.

3) In five years time I ______ (graduate) from university and I’ll be able to earn some money at last.

4) She ______ (wait) for Tim for five hours when his plane finally arrives.

5) Do you think you ______ (do) the same job in ten years’ time?

6) I ______ (work) in the library all day long tomorrow.

7) We ______ (write) the article by five o’clock.

8) He can’t meet us at 2 p.m. tomorrow because he ______ (work) at that time.

9) When you return home at five o’clock, I ______ (be) home for seven hours.

10) By the end of the year she ______ (learn) to speak English.

11) In June that firm ______ (carry) on negotiations for the purchase of software.

12) How long will you ______ (occupy) this position next year?

13) We ______ (not, find) the material by tomorrow.

14) Ann wants to speak with you. – Please tell her that I ______ (call) her as soon as I’m free.

15) Why don’t you ask Mark for help? I’m sure that he ______ (help) you.

13. You have a friend who lives in a city abroad. You have decided that you would like to apply and take a course at one of the colleges in this city. Write to your friend explaining your plans and intentions. Tell him/her what type of work or studies you have been doing for the past few years and ask for his/her assistance in contacting an appropriate institution. Write not less than 150 words.

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