– Are you a member of any youth organization ormovement, state or international?
– Can you give any examples of such an institution?What do they work for?
– Would you like to join any youth club or community?

1. Read the text about Ukrainian youth state policy, youth movements and organizations. Fill in the table of the main social programmes and youth movements in Ukraine accordingly.


Youth policy in Ukraine is among the priorities of the state policy and is implemented for the benefit of young people, society, and the state at a rather high level; taking into account the capacity of Ukraine, its economic, social, historical and cultural development.

Context and principles of the national youth policy in Ukraine for 2016-2020 are defined by the Concept State Target Social Programme “Youth of Ukraine”. The Programme targets youth between 14 and 35 and is aimed at creating conditions for development and self-realization of Ukrainian youth, who are a value for the society, building their citizenship position and national patriotism.

Ukraine has two main national youth associations. The Public Association “National Youth Council UKRAINE” is a national youth platform, which was established in 2015. The goal of the organization is to represent and protect the civil, political, social, and economic rights of young people in Ukraine, to expand opportunities for personal development and active youth participation in political life. “Ukrainian Youth Forum” was established in 2005, and its goal is the consolidation of youth, improving the state youth sector and implementation of European values, such as active healthy lifestyles, technology, innovation, business development, ecology and democratic development of the state.

In 2015 United Nations Development Programme in Ukraine, in partnership with the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, and the State Employment Service launched a career guidance and career building website for the Youth Portal – “My Career”. The portal provides information about the labour market and actual professions, opportunities for development and correct career construction. In addition, it can offer young people to take an internationally licensed test to determine the interests, skills, and the choice of the future direction of study.

Nowadays as democratic oriented changes are taking place in Ukraine, our young generation has begun to take more interest in the home and foreign policy of Ukraine. The most well-known youth movements are “The Young Motherland”, “The Students’ Brotherhood”, “The Independent Ukrainian Youth League”, and “European Youth Parliament of Ukraine”.

The independent Ukrainian Youth League is a very active youth movement in Ukraine, whose members organize demonstrations and strikes. Another popular organization is The Plast National Scout Organization of Ukraine, which is the largest Scouting organization in Ukraine; it unites boys and girls from the age of fourteen for purposes of education, sports, and culture. The Plast educates its members to be faithful to God and Ukraine.

However, the strongest and the most popular youth organization is the Students’ Brotherhood. This is a voluntary, non-profit, non-religious public organization that operates in accordance with the Constitution of Ukraine and current legislation. In October 1990 a group of members of this organization from different institutes and universities organized a hunger strike in Kyiv and had a great influence over some decisions of the Ukrainian Parliament. Nowadays the goal of its operation is the realization and protection of rights and freedoms of its members, fostering their creativity and active position on social and political matters.

2. Look at the words in colour and use them to complete the phrases below. Explain their meanings. Use them and the table to talk about the organizations from the text.

1) A _____ organization
2) To organize a / take part in amass _____
3) To be internationally _____
4) The _____ of the agreement
5) A state _____
6) An equality and diversity _____
7) To _____ a particular socialgroup

3. What do you think are the main problems teenagers face in a modern society? Lookat the list of issues; tick those that are relevant for youth societies today.

__juvenile delinquency
__peer pressure
__different perspectives
__lack of money
__generation gap
__poor live communication
__low social awareness
__lawless street gangs
__low motivation

4. Read about some problems teenagers describe. Tell which issues from Ex. 1 they mention. Fill in the blanks using the appropriate phrasal verbs from the table below.

get angry with / get into / pick on / get down / take care of / make up / get behind / distract from / spend on / end up / treat like / stay up / give up on

Daniel (14)

The reason I 1) _____ lots of arguments with my parents is that they always think they know what’s best for me, and never listen to my point of view. We argue about things like what time I can stay out until in the evenings, how much homework I should do, what clothes I wear, even my hairstyle. I wish they would give me more space to do what I want to do. I think they don’t want me to grow up, so that’s why they still 2) _____ me _____ a child.

Jason (16)

Young people have many health problems. Many of us want to look older and more independent. They do silly things. The girls 3) _____ as Red Indians on the war-path. They try to be fashionablelooking and lose their style and charm. The boys try to be tough, they are self-assured and insensible. Both boys and girls begin to smoke and drink beer and sometimes other alcoholic drinks. Sometimes they begin using drugs and become drug addicts. I think that is terrible.

Monika (16)

I think the biggest problem most teenagers face is peer pressure. There are people at school who will 4) _____ you if you dress or behave differently from them. Some of them will even laugh at you if you don’t like the music they like. You can often read in the papers about the bad behaviour of gangs of teenagers, but I think half the time these kids don’t really want to be in a gang, and they only join because they’re too scared of being different.

Tina (17)

My mum is 5) _____ me _____ about my homework. She always checks the fulfilment of my homework. She makes me do my homework in advance. That’s why I have no free time at all. I’m under much strain. Moreover I have three little sisters in my family and my parents make me 6) _____ them all the time. It’s very difficult to feed them and to make them sleep. I’m awfully tired every day. I can’t think about my homework because I’m too tired.

Heidi (15)

The problem of money is important as well. I think, young people need to have pocket money for buying books, pens, icecream, and so on. But I do not think it is a good idea to beg parents to give me some money. If I find a part-time job during the academic year, they will say it 7) _____ me _____ studies. If I ask for money they say they 8) _____ too much _____ my school, clothes and other things.

Dan (16)

I hate going to school so I don’t go most days. Luckily, I am a clever person so I don’t have a reputation as a rebel. Only the people who really know me know about my strange feelings. My parents don’t care – they don’t even say anything if I don’t go to school. What I 9) _____ doing is sleeping all day and then 10) _____ all night talking to my girlfriend. I 11) _____ in my work and when I try to go back to school all my teachers and friends 12) _____ me for rarely coming to school. I just get so depressed when I think about it. I have 13) _____ trying to go back and now am thinking about leaving school forever, but I really don’t want to do that because I know it would destroy my life.

5. Which problems are you mostly concerned about? Make up dialogues using the plan table below. Work in pairs and discuss some difficulties you’ve experienced.




Use the clues:

I usually have problems with …. about ….…. often complain about ….
The thing is …
Personally I think, ….In my opinion, …
I often/never/always/constantly …
What else, … / Then, …
How to cope with the problem, if …
To solve the problem we should …
You can’t but agree …
You should …
Besides, try to …
It’s necessary for you …
So, you’d better …
On the one hand, ….
But on the other hand, …
To improve the situation you should …
Why not …?


In the English language there are many verbs which must generally be followed by a certain preposition, otherwise the meaning can change completely. Memorize them:

WITH agree, argue, begin, deal
TO belong, listen, refer, refuse
ABOUT care, complain, decide, think, warn, worry,
AGAINST fight, warn, protests, advise

FOR ask, apologize, apply, fight, look, pay, pray, search, wait

FROM come, suffer, hear, benefit
IN invest, specialize, believe, succeed
ON depend, insist, rely, concentrate
OF dream, think, remind, insist
AT look, laugh, aim

6. Use additional sources and add some more verbs to each list. Memorize them.

7. Complete the following sentences with the correct prepositions.

1) What were you arguing _____?
2) I’m not apologizing _____ breaking the lamp, because I didn’t do it!
3) My aunt suffers _____ diabetes.
4) The course in African Studies at SOAS appeals _____ me the most.
5) She’s always boasting _____ the one time she was on TV!
6) His success depends _____ his creativity.
7) She’s waiting _____ the day her son will come home.
8) People have complained _____ high prices.
9) The writer referred _____ his family in this book.
10) Think _____ the consequences before you act.
11) Elena has devoted all her life _____ poor children.
12) We have borrowed $10 _____ her.
13) Stop shouting _____ me, will you?
14) Why are you staring _____ me?
15) The man was sentenced _____ life imprisonment.

8. Complete the following sentences with the correct verbs and prepositions.

1) I’m _____ the white Christmas.

2) I’m a teacher and I _____ teaching young people.

3) He got _____ waiting and left.

4) I can always _____ my parents.

5) After 6 years she _____ her job and moved to Atlanta.

6) How do you usually _____ stress?

7) Do you know Teddy got married _____ Katlin.

8) My parents _____ my new style.

9) How long does it take to recover _____ the flu?

10) This song I’d like to _____ my boyfriend.

9. You are an advice columnist. Choose one ofthe teenagers sharing their concerns in Ex. 4and think of some useful advice you could givethem. Help them sort the problems out and shareyour personal experiences of handling similardifficulties in personal life, studies, family, etc.Write up to 150 words.

Матеріал до підручника Англійська мова 11 клас Нерсисян, Піроженко 2019
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