- What helps us keep fit and stay healthy? Tickthe things you think are most important for ahuman’s well-being?

Deep sleep

Homemade food

Regular exercise

A lot of water

Long walks

Healthy habits

Positive mood

Fun activities




Medical checkups

1. Why do you think we need food? What do we need energy for and where do we get it from? Read the statements and say whether you agree or disagree. Listen to the recording and check your ideas.

1) Carbohydrates are a good source of energy.

2) Raw foods should be stored above cooked foods in the fridge.

3) You must exercise at least twice every day for one hour each time.

4) It is best to eat a variety of foods.

5) Always wash your hands before preparing food.

6) Eggs should be eaten before the sell-by-date.

7) Vitamins easily turn into fat.

8) Rubbish bins should be emptied before you go on holiday.

9) Your heart beats more slowly during exercise.

2. What are the nutrients and their functions? Listen to the recording and match the appropriate nutrient to its function.

fats / proteins / vitamins and minerals / fibre / carbohydrates

1) These do most of the repair work to our body cells and they also help us grow. They are found in eggs, milk, meat, poultry, fish, and cheese.

2) These give us most of our energy. They are found in bread and potatoes.

3) This helps to keep our digestive system healthy and is found in vegetables, cereals, grains and fruits.

4) These give us energy and help keep us warm. They are found in butter and meat.

5) These are found in all sorts of foods. They are only needed in small amounts, but they are extremely important. They are found in fruit, vegetables, eggs, and milk.

3. What is your idea of “healthy eating”? Do you eat healthily? Match the products to some more positive effects they have on our health.

beef / cake / leek / pear / squid / cucumber / cheese / potato / pork / spinach / mussels / avocado / bread / chocolate / melon / cauliflower

1) ________ reduce the risk of heart attack.

2) ________ keep the teeth strong and prevents bone loss.

3) ________ protect the immune system.

4) ________ lower level of stress.

5) ________ slow the ageing process.

6) ________ reduce the risk of obesity

7) ________ make the brain function well.

8) ________ help to improve mood.

4. Match the adjectives to the nouns to make up different food names. Which of them are healthy/junk? Complete the sentences below using the names of food you’ve made up.


takeaway / fatty / ready-made / frozen / processed / canned / fresh / fizzy

food / pizza / dish / meat / ravioli / tuna / fish / drink

1) _____ may taste good when you are very thirsty, but they often have a high sugar content.

2) My sister usually buys _____ for dinner – it is so convenient.

3) _____ can contain artificial colours to make them look more attractive.

4) Pork is a type of _____ and it is unhealthy food.

5) I prefer to eat a _____ for supper, because I am on diet.

6) I am going to eat _____, because I don’t want to cook today.

7) Eating _____ has the effect of increasing your protein take.

8) My friend likes to order a _____ online, because it’s easier and faster.

5. Do you think it is useful to diet? What are the reasons people go on a diet? What kinds of diet do you know? Have you ever tried any? Read the article and express your attitude to this kind of ration.

A raw food diet is actually nothing new. 1) _____. The raw food diet, often called raw foodism or veganism, is composed of mostly or completely raw and unprocessed food. Raw food is anything that has not been prepared, canned, or chemically processed, and has not been heated above 48C. The diet allows several alternative preparation methods, such as juicing, blending, dehydrating, soaking. The raw food diets are usually plant-based, including mostly nuts, grains, seeds, fruits, and vegetables. However, some people also consume raw eggs and dairy products, but everything has to be eaten in its natural state.

People who support this diet believe it to be ideal for overall good health. 2) _____. If you exclude processed food, you avoid excessive fats, which are some of the main causatives of in weight gain and heart disease. The raw food diet may also give you more energy since uncooked food is full of live enzymes, nutrients, and vitamins that are easily digested by your body. Eating raw food also requires less of your body’s fluid for digestion, promoting better hydration. Other reported benefits of eating the raw food diet are lower blood pressure, a stronger immune system, less fatigue, and improved skin tone. It can also lower your chance of stomach cancer and stroke, and stop the progression of kidney disease.

Health experts and nutritionists also warn us against the raw food diet as it may lead to some negative effects on our health. If you’re on the raw food diet, you may miss essential nutrients such as zinc, iron, calcium, vitamin B12, and vitamin D. 3) _____. It is also known that cooking redcoloured vegetables such as tomatoes increases lycopene, which strengthens the immune system, fights cancer, and lowers the risk of heart disease. Live or uncooked food may make a person ill and could lead to other complications such as food poisoning. People with a weak immune system are the most sensitive to foodborne illnesses.

There is no perfect diet out there. The raw food diet is good for the short term, as it contains lowcalories, a good quantity of healthy food choices, and is filling. 4) _____ . You may follow the raw food diet for a short term to lose weight and then slowly move to a healthy, more traditional diet.

6. Choose from the sentences below the one which fits each gap. One sentence is extra.

1) One of the main advantages of eating a raw food diet is weight loss.

2) But it is a type of diet that is very hard to sustain in the long term.

3) The raw food diet has been around since the 1800s, but it has gained a lot of popularity in recent years.

4) Therefore, you need to take extra vitamins in capsules or tablets.

5) This can increase the wellness and health of the body’s cells.

7. Match the following words to their equivalents in colour from the text.

water level / pure / brain attack / dressing / tiredness / metabolism / foodie / dieting expert / ferment / red pigment / natural


8. Choose the best options to complete the sentences. In some both are possible.

1) There aren’t many/much sport facilities in the centre of Oxford.

2) Eating out is expensive here. There aren’t any/some cheap restaurants.

3) Liverpool has many/lots of great nightclubs.

4) Not many children like vegetables, very few/little of them eat squash.

5) Hurry up! We only have a little/few time to have a bite before the coach leaves.

6) We saw some/a little of street food scene when we went to France.

7) There are a few/some shops in the city centre.

8) I’m sorry, I can’t pay for your lunch. I have little/any money.

9) It’s a very nice cafeteria. There are many/a lot of delicacies here every day.

10) People don’t eat any/much cheese in this country.

11) There were no/a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables in the market.

12)I always add much/little salt to my dishes.

13) Luckily I have never been in bad health and had no/few medical problems.

14) Are there a lot of/plenty of good players at your football club?

15) How much/many bottles of soda are there in the fridge?

16)I’ve unfortunately had a lot of/many headaches already because of stress.

17)I always put much/plenty of salt in my food. 18)It’s a great pity, but the hospital has little medicine. They can’t help many/much people.

9. Complete the dialogue with some or any, much, many or a lot of.


Hi Ann. Is the picnic ready?

Ann: Not yet. We’ve got a bottle of water and ________ fruit. We’ve got two kilogrammes of apples!

Peter: Wow! That’s ________ fruit, but what about sandwiches?

Ann: Hmm. No, we haven’t got ________ sandwiches.

Peter: No sandwiches?

Ann: No, but we’ve got ________ bread and meat.

Jane: Well… I don’t eat meat. Have we got ________ cheese or salad?

Ann: There isn’t ________ cheese – one small pieceand we haven’t got ________ salad.

Jane: OK, I need to buy more cheese and salad. What about drinks?

Ann: Well, there isn’t ________ juice; we’ve only got one bottle. Oh, and we’ve got ten packets of crisps!

Jane: That’s _________ crisps, but we need some juice. What about biscuits?

Ann: We haven’t got ________ biscuits. We’ve only got three!

Jane: OK.

10. Work in groups. Speak about fast food. Fast food is big business around the world. Each business has a meal that they are well known for. Whether it’s a burger, chips, tacos, pizza, or crispy fried chicken, these meals are often high in kilojoules, fat, salt, or sugar. Together with your group list the ingredients in each meal and give the details about kilojules, fat, salt, or sugar. Comment on its nutritional value.


11. Do you always make healthy food choices? Prepare a leaflet about a healthy snack using your own recipe. Write about the following:

1) Your snack is:_______________________________________________________________

2) Details about your snack: ______________________________________________________ – list all ingredients included in your snack: ______________________________________ – how would you describe your snack? (Hot? Cold? Cut? Baked? Flavour? Size? Texture?)_____ – how to cook your snack? _____________________________________________________ – are there any toppings on your snack? __________________________________________

3) What else can you say about your snack? _________________________________________ – why is this snack a healthier choice? ___________________________________________ – what are the best aspects of this snack? (made with little or no fat/no topping or non fat/ low fat topping/small/medium size/made with little or no added sugar/salt/fruit/vegetable)

Матеріал до підручника Англійська мова 11 клас Нерсисян, Піроженко 2019

Vchys: ГДЗ, Решебники , Ответы, Реферати, Твори, ПрезентаціїГДЗ, Решебники и Ответы