– Complete a quiz below:

1) What is a problem that influences a considerable number of the individuals within a society? 

a) social issue 

b) global problem 

c) environmental concern

2) What is a population of humans with patterns of relationships between individuals that share a distinctive culture and/or institutions? 

a) society 

b) culture 

c) country 

d) nation

3) Find only SOCIAL ISSUES. 

a) Poverty and Welfare, Immigration, Antisocial behaviour, Human Rights, Family issues 

b)Censorship, Crime rate, Marine pollution, Nuclear Weapons, Global education, AIDS 

c) Agriculture, Overpopulation, Water pollution, Atomic Energy, Gender equality, Bullying

4) What does DISCRIMINATION mean? 

a) treating a group of people differently because of their race, gender, age, or religion 

b) a group that has different national or cultural traditions from the majority of the population 

c) the traditions, features or qualities of a country that have continued over many generations

1. Match the words in the columns to make up pairs and complete the following sentences using them.


single-parent / ethnic / race / drug / social / voluntary / gender / domestic

abuse / equality / class / families / violence / work / minority / relations

1) ________________ is a good idea because it brings you into contact with different people, and helping others is good for self-confidence.

2) ________________ are the ways in which people of different races living together in the same community behave toward one another.

3) ________________ is a serious public health problem that affects almost every community and family in some way.

4) ________________ can be defined as groups where a parent lives with dependent children, either alone or in a larger household, without a spouse or partner.

5) ________________ refers to the equal rights, responsibilities and opportunities of women and men and girls and boys.

6) ________________ refers to a group of people with similar levels of wealth, influence, and status.

7) An ________________ is a group of people who differ in race or colour or in national, religious, or cultural origin from the dominant group — often the majority population — of the country in which they live.

8) ________________ is any behaviour the purpose of which is to gain power and control over a spouse, partner, girl/boyfriend, or intimate family member.

2. Match the two parts to make up phrases. Choose one of the issues mentioned in the previous exercise and tell which actions can be taken to fight the problem.

1) protest

2) boycott

3) go on

4) sign

5) raise

6) hold

7) spread

8) join

a) a demonstration to defend my point of view….

b) the petition to support people holding the same views….

c) against the illegal actions of the ….

d) an effective social media campaign about …

e) money for charity to help …

f) in the initiative for the protection of…

g) informational leaflets about …

h) the products/services/business that ….

3. Match the phrasal verbs to their definitions.

1) look down on

2) go/do without

3) give in

4) break out

5) bring about

6) pick on

7) put up with

8) put down

9) stand up for

10) turn to

a) to be lack of something

b) to accept a bad situation or person without complaining

c) to stop fighting or arguing, admit defeat

d) to support in an argument or fight

e) to consider yourself better than someone

f) to start to do or use something new as a way to solve a problem

g) to happen unexpectadly

h) to cause something happen

i) to keep treating someone badly or unfairly

j) to criticise, make someone feel stupid

4. Complete the sentences using the phrasal verbs from the previous exercise. Pay attention to the tense forms.

1) Developing countries won’t _______ the situation for much longer.

2) After a heated debate, the employersto the union’s demands.

3) The government refused to _______ to the hijackers’ threats.

4) We were only freshmen, so the older kids liked to _______ us.

5) The Renaissance was a period of “rebirth” and _______ great changes in arts, science and European society.

6) When World War I _______ and the men went off to fight, it was women who took on their jobs and kept things running.

7) Don’t put peolpe down for their mistakes—if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything.

8) He thinks they _______ him because he didn’t get any formal qualifications and so does a menial job now.

9) Having their families long way away, they had no one to _______, so they _______ crime, which was unavoidable in the environment the lived in.

10) For such a long time she had to _______ his violent temper and a lot of other hardships.

5. What do you think are the main reasons for migration? What types of migration do you know? Is migration an issue in your country? Read the article and check your ideas. Support your answer.

Migration is a reality for present-day Ukraine – and a serious challenge for the country’s future. According to State Statistics Service data, over the past 12 years Ukraine has been experiencing migration population growth – over the said period 230,000 more people entered the country as compared to those who left. At the same time, according to UN (United Nations) statistics, Ukraine is among the top ten countries with the highest emigration levels and the numbers have increased in recent years. State Statistics Service estimates the number of migrant workers at 1.3 million, while experts say the number varies between 2 and 4 million. The discrepancies emerge both because of different understanding of what “migrant” means and different data collection methods.

According to UNESCO the definition of a migrant is “a person who lives temporarily or permanently in a country where he or she was not born, and has acquired some significant social ties to this country”. It is essential that a migrant decides to move voluntarily. This means that refugees and persons forced to leave a country are not migrants under this definition.

Various sources indicate opposite migration trends in Ukraine. UN data show that the number of Ukrainians who are living abroad is constantly increasing and the number of foreigners who are living in Ukraine decreased during the first 15 years of independence and then remained practically steady (picture 1). But according to State Statistics Service the number of those coming to live in Ukraine is higher than the number of those who have left.

According to UN data, during independence migration destinations of Ukrainians have changed significantly (picture 2). In the first years almost 85% of Ukrainian migrants lived in the former USSR countries and mostly those were people born in the Ukrainian SSR, who, at a certain, moved to a different republic of the former Soviet Union. In 27 years, the number of Ukrainians in those countries has decreased and their share in the general number of migrants dropped to 70%. However, the number of Ukrainian emigrants in the USA, Canada, Western and Central Europe, and Australia has increased twise and their share in total number of Ukrainians, who moved abroad, has risen respectively.

The number of migrant workers in Ukraine also varies. For instance, IOM (International Organisation for Migration) estimates their number at 688k people. State Statistics Service is also conducting periodic surveys in order to determine the number of migrant workers using IOM methods. Based on its report survey for the period of 2015-2017, the established number of migrant workers makes up 1.3 million people (approximately 8% of the total workforce). Although experts doubt these figures.

(credit: VoxUkraine, author: Tetyana Tyshchuk)

6. Match the words in colour in the text to their synonyms.

decrease / numbers / connections between people / analysis / organize / receive / difference / moving the country / a place one wants to go / previous in time, ex / make smb do smth / weigh

7. Use the prompts below to give the argument for and against the migration trend.

skills exchange / foreign language fluency / brain drain / exploitation / family split up / cultural diversity / violation of rights / educational and health resources / over-population / patriotism / disease spead / pay gap / global market / pension and taxes / unemployment / workforce loss


8. Complete the sentences with the verbs in parentheses in the correct form.

1) Aunt will bring us cakes when she__________(go) out.

2) When she_____(call), he had already eaten lunch.

3) Whenever I _______(hear) that song, it reminds me of my student days.

4) The fans _________(get) impatient when their favourite star came on the stage, at last!

5) After she _______(finish) her degree, she got a job in marketing.

6) When I ______(ask) him to help me, he immediately stopped what he was doing.

7) You won’t go until I _________(know) the truth.

8) Tim will come every day to help you with your work while I_____(be) away.

9) When you _______(finish) your tea you can go out to play.

10) As soon as you ______(have) your lunch, you can go out.

11) We knew it was the house for us as soon as we _____(see) it.

12)I am going to take the exam after I ________(study) all these books.

9. Rewrite the following sentences using the suggested alternative conditional words.

1) I went to the concert. I had finished my training exercises. (only if)

2) Children cannot watch this film. They are accompanied by an adult. (unless)

3) You can borrow my car. You drive carefully. (provided)

4) We will make our decision. We will let you know immediately. (in case)

5) The research will continue if there is enough funding. (as long as)

6) If there is a fire, leave the room. (in case)

7) Don’t vote unless you like this person. (only if)

8) You can only do the quiz if you have access to the Internet. (otherwise)

9) As long as I have all my data I will finish my thesis next year. (providing that)

10)If you were interested in language you could study linguistics. (supposing)

10. Match the beginning of each sentence with the correct ending. Then complete the sentences using if, provided, supposing, in case, or unless.

For example: You can borrow the car provided you fill it with petrol


1) you/borrow/the car

2) you/travel/anywhere

3) you/not do as you are told

4) give/phone number

5) I/not help you with your homework

6) I/cook the dinner

7) I won the lottery

8) temperature rise

9) ask for receipt

10) earn enough


a) the ice/melt

b) you fill it/petrol

c) you/not get a treat

d)buy/new house

e) need to/call back

f) you want a refund

g)you wash up

h)in the world/to go/where

i) you promise to concentrate

j) spend money for

11. Work in pairs. Some of you will be the presenters and the others will be the listeners. Match the two parts of a phrase in the two columns of the table and speak on the issue.


human, animal / gun / tobacco, alcohol / illegal cyber / child / environmental / free / freedom of economic / health / intellectual / capital


control / bullying /property / trafficking / labour use / immigration / trade / care / speech, religion / rights development / punishment

Complete the chart below:

Problem: ___________________________________

Causes of the problem: ________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

Presenters: Use the language for presentations to explain your problem clearly. The first person should introduce the talk. The second person should explain the causes of the problem.

 Listeners: Take notes. After the presentation, give suggestions for how to solve the problem.


Stating the purpose:

– Today, I’d like to talk to you about ...

– I’ll begin by (talking about the issue)./

– I’ll provide an overview of (the issue).

– Then I’ll list the (two/three/four) ...

Stating important points: – Let’s talk first about ...

– One of the main causes of … is ...

– Another/A second cause of ... is ...

– And finally ...

12. Imagine you are running for mayor of your town or city. Write the ad and describe the issues your community faces today, say what you are going to do about them. Mention the following:

– the economy;

– education and healthcare;

 – crime rate;

– public transportation;

– pollution.


Матеріал до підручника Англійська мова 11 клас Нерсисян, Піроженко 2019Vchys: ГДЗ, Решебники , Ответы, Реферати, Твори, ПрезентаціїГДЗ, Решебники и Ответы